Thursday, October 27, 2011
A Writing to Learn Blog!: My favorite snapshot 2 because two friends b...
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

My favorite snapshot 2 i miss my friend abdulle back Somali we have funny we go outside it was sun day my friend abdull ask can we go swimming i side yes than we enjoy swimming
Shafie Mohamed
Mike lohre
English 109.1
Oct, 11.2011
My snapshot 2
Good day
In my life these are many good days. There were many good old days. All good I can remember are one I made with my old good friends .in one particular day my close friend and most immediate one ask me if we can go to Beach Sea and swing. My friend Abdullah: said ‘Hi” Shafie Mohamed its hot afternoon do you wane go for swimming? Nobody will know and we have nothing else to do and everyone is already. In the sea swimming and having a lot of fish “sure but my parent will know or my big bother there will see me while I’m in sea .stop thinking negative – you family will not know the beach it too big we will go one side which your bother will not even think to look or bother to come I stopped. For a while thinking serious about my friend points, he has really good points and it’s true that I really need to go out and best place to go in the afternoon is sea “okay is and loudly and with great eagerness “okay” let’s star running’ my friend propose we both started running we run like thirsty cows who have seen water ahead. I’m tired already and will people will ask question where we are running to or what we are running form so let’s walk slowly “my friend propose and I agreed when reached the beach and it was very beautiful the sun was very hot we were all sweating and quickly or dress and jump into sea. We really had very good time- our parent never found out because we didn’t get into trouble and we came back home before our curfew started I still look back at the day and really get happy Abdullah and I are still friends and sometime talk about that summer hot day in Somali Bach
there are a lot of good days that i share my friend deqo however there was one day one particuler day that is realy memorable . deqo we where best friend since third grade we share many thing that made us happy therefore she is the parson i share the most of my secret since we wehre children when before we go to the middle school deqo her family move the the united state and we lost each other. i was young i did not have ability to contact her so i always feel lonely in my whole middle school, i did not find other firends that i can compare with deeqo
after few years i move to untied state and get deeqo . the first day we see it each other deqo was cry nad is realy happy with me also im happy with her i have onather chance to contact my best friend
My favorite Snapshot
Michael smith
My name means..
Mike Lohre
Dictionary definition is one who is like God. My name has 7 letters in it just like my brothers. I was named after my moms best friend who for the first four years of my life was my father figure she would say. He still would be my mom says if not for the accident. The accident she speaks of is her best friend driving a motorcycle and she is riding along, no helmets mind you. They are speeding down country roads at 100mph plus when driver runs into guard rail, driver is thrown up into air and hits the under pass dying instantly, mom is left bleeding from every where hole in her knee, clothes have been burnt off due to sliding on pavement and head is cracked open. No one is around to help she is positive she will never see me or younger brother again. But my mom being a begging dog never gave up fighting in and of conscious trying to climb a hill to get to help. This is the reason why something like Michael will continue to do.
My Favorite Snapshot

Snapshot Two: Our Good Day
“This is all you got me for my birthday?!,” an ungrateful seven-year-old me asked my mom, as I unwrapped a book about guinea pigs.
“No baby, daddy and I got you that book so that you will know everything you need to know for
when you go pick out your own guinea pig later!”
“I get to pick out my own guniea pig mommy?! And keep it forever and ever?!,” I asked in
“Yes Kels,” she reassured me, “now get in the car please so we can go to Petland.”
After a ten minute drive that seemed like an hour we finally made it to Petland. As I held
my dad’s hand, he led me to the open glass cage that housed all the guinea pigs. Some were
long- haired, others short. There were black ones, white ones, brown ones. Some were sleeping
while a few others fought for the last of the food in the food bowl.
“You have a big decision to make Sweetie,” my dad said.
“I know, I know. Don’t you think I should get them all daddy? They all need homes!”
“Absolutely not,” he said without hesitation.
I could feel the tears form behind my eyes. They were all so cute and I didn’t want to hurt
any of their feelings by not picking them to take home.
“What’s wrong, sis?” my mom asked softly when she saw I was sad.
“I don’t know how to pick just ONE mama.”
“Okay, I have an idea,” she explained, “I’ll lift you up to put your hand in the cage and you can
pet a few. Maybe that will help you decide.”
As I put my hand into the cage, all of the guinea pigs ran for shelter, away from my hand.
I looked up at my mom in disappointment and she told me to try again. This time when I put my hand into the cage, all the little animals ran away from me again, except for one. A long-haired
brown guniea pig with patches of white and black fur came and sniffed my hand. He was a
brave, warrior of a guinea pig. He was as sweet as a cupcake, and he was very friendly. So
friendly, that I named him Friendly! I couldn’t wait to take him home.
“I promise I will take very good care of you,” I told Friendly as he sat on my lap in a cardboard
box the whole way home.
FAVOR SNAPSHOT "MY FIRST JOB"--lesson in starving
"an hour went past all i could think was when break"
"--running back and forth made hungry and tired"
"--brake came and i was hungry but i remember that i didnt have any food left"
Favorite Sanpshot
My Name
My name is Eric Gregory Keplar. I don’t mind my name because it’s what my parents gave me. It’s more than my name its part of my family. I say that because Keplar is my family’s last name, Gregory is my father’s first name. So no matter what I’ll always have family with me. Ive been told that my name means king but on urban dictionary is says Eric is a retarded cat that uses its tail to fly. I don’t have many nick names its either Eric or just Keplar. I don’t care what one you call me but sometimes I do. Depending on the person and my relationship I have with them depends what I want them to call me. I got the nick name Keplar from sixth grade and it just stuck with me. Being called Keplar by some people that I don’t want to call me that is like nails going across a chalk board. But as for Eric it’s like nothing different. I wouldn’t change my name even if I had the chance. That’s my name and the story I have behind it. Yes something like Eric will do.
My Favorite Snapshot
Chaitanya Balasubramanyam
English 109.01 @ 10:30
Mike Lohre
Oct 20, 2011
Snapshot Three: My First Job
The cool air conditioning penetrated my skin as I walked into the small Chipotle Mexican Grill, at four o’ clock pm, ready for my first day of work. I took a whiff of the mouthwatering aromas as I stood by one of the round tables, waiting for my manager, Kevin. The sweet and spicy smell of the salsas against the carnal smell of the pinto beans just brought me up to the sky.
“Well, hey, Chaitanya! We got all your paperwork Sunday, didn’t we?” Kevin asked.
“Um, yeah we did. So today do I get to do the assembly line?” I asked, eagerly.
“We sure do. But first, I’m going to show you how to work the line,” he said as he motioned at me to follow him to back of the dining area. He took a good 20 minutes explaining how to work the tortilla station. My first customer came rolling in. She was a big, black woman, to say the least. She had her eyebrows drawn on and the stench of her cheap perfume exuded past the little window that kept the food out of tangible reach.
“Hi ma’am! What can I get for you?” I asked in my exaggeratedly happy voice.
“Hey, sweetie. Get me a barbacoa bol,” she said in a dull, monotone. Her chunky bracelet clinked against the steel edge of the assembly line, as she carefully inspected how much food I was serving on her bowl. I poured a scoop of rice in her bowl, as per Kevin’s instructions of one full scoop.
“Any beans on that ma’am?” I asked.
“No, no, no, honey. I need me mo’ rice on that!” the woman replied. She seemed
insulted. I poured another scoop of rice on her bowl and slowly shifted the bowl towards the beans. She snickered at me with her scratchy, husky voice as she shook her head in disbelief.
“Listen, baby. I ain’t no skinny-Minnie like you. I needa EAT! So if you will, get me
some mo’ rice up on that bowl.” I, extremely intimidated at this point, nodded at the woman’s instructions and poured yet another scoop of rice. I asked her this time if it was enough. She motioned her hand to gesture, yet, another scoop. I scooped a fourth load of rice onto her bowl. Her bowl was filled to the top with rice at this point.
“Any beans, ma’am?” I asked her again. This time, the superficial smile wiped clear off
my face.
“Nothin’ else honey. Just the barbacoa. I ain’t want nothin’ else,”
Whew, I thought as pat down the rice with the serving spoon to make more room for the barbacoa. I grabbed the steel tongs and added a heaping portion of barbacoa.
“Will that be all for you, ma’am?” I asked her quickly because the customers behind her
seemed quite flustered. The lady nodded as I passed her bowl down the assembly line and proceeded on to the next customer. About an hour and a half later, Adrian, the assistant manager, asked me to bus the tables. I quickly took off my latex gloves and grabbed a rag from below the assembly line. I wiped off all the tables and stools. I mopped the floors, washed my hands in steaming water, and proceeded to go back to my spot at the assembly line. Some other girl, Brittany had taken my spot at the tortilla station. I just stood next to her with a puzzled expression.
“Um, bag the chips. Adrian moved me here,” Brittany informed me. I nodded in
acknowledgement. I went to the back and asked this other guy, Saul how to bag the chips. He shook his head at me with a slight grin on his face. I couldn’t tell if he was annoyed or just wanted to tease me. He explained how far up to fill the bags and how to fold them as well. I did that for about an hour. I was a little annoyed. I mean, I thought I was going to be working the line, not bagging chips!
It was 9:15 pm. I was so excited. My shift was going to be over in another 45 minutes. I was working at the tortilla station again. Kevin motioned at me to come to the back for a second. I took off my gloves, and went to the back by the fridge.
“Alright, you’ve been doing pretty good so far. You’re done with the tortilla station for tonight. You can just stay back here and do the dishes till your shift’s over. Good?” Kevin asked with his thumb up, expecting my approval. I agreed reluctantly. Slouched over the sink, I grabbed the heavy hose and sprayed out the dried sour cream, crusted on the edges of the steel bins, and threw the leftover meat in the big trash bags. Luckily, I wasn’t alone to have to bask in my misery by myself. Juan Luis, a jubilant Mexican, chopped up onions and peppers right behind me at the prep station. He whistled and shifted his feet to a cumbia beat that was playing on the radio, La Mega 103.1 fm. He appeared so carefree and didn’t seem to mind the mushiness on the ground that was clearly bothering me.
“¿Ey, estas nueva aqui, verdad?” Juan Luis asked with a wide grin on his face. He definitely noticed that I was new. I don’t know how he assumed correctly, that I knew Spanish. But he assumed right. It was probably my brown skin.
“Ay, pues si wey. Pero estoy super cansada,” I answered back. I felt my eyes drooping down and let out a loud, almost obnoxious, yawn.
“Hey, you can clock out now!” Kevin hollered across the kitchen, interrupting my mid-slumber. I said bye to everyone, grabbed my purse, clocked out, got in my car, and drove home. I drove home barefoot that night. My feet were killing, my jeans were soaked to the bone, and my arms hurt. I got home to my mother and her unpleasant facial reaction.
“Ugh, you smell so bad, beti. Go take a shower.” My mom said.
“Amma, just, can you shut up right now? Goddamn I’m so tired!” I hissed. My mom stared at me, flabbergasted, as I ran up to my room, threw my bag on the floor, took off my soaked jeans and instantly fell asleep.
Favorite Snapshot, Mandy
Snapshot Three
My first job was as an intern for the Wexner Center for the Arts at OSU. It was during the summer so most of what I did was baby-sitting little kids who took the summer program, and the first week we did paper mache. Imagine 20 kids in a small room with wet past and they are all only six or seven years old, not a good idea. We had all kinds of glitter, tissue paper, and when you mix tissue paper with “goo” the colors run together and stick to your hands and clothes, like permanent ink.
Squesh and glop and blerp where sounds that the paste made as the kids played with the clear semi-liquid in their hands just mushing it around in their hands. It was like you could smell the sticky fingers and gross oozing mess from miles away, and the gloopy liquid had like a specific smell that was hard to describe, other than gross. The class room was like a gooey zoo or an untamed beast.
“Can I eat it? Will I die?” asks one of the trouble makers.
“No, u probably shouldn’t eat that, it won’t taste very good,” I tell the little girl who is a trouble maker.
The girl takes a like anyway, to defy my power, the classroom was so hectic, I didn’t even care that she had eaten it any more. Ever two seconds a kid would get an upset face like they were going to cry and tell me “it’s not looking right” or “I can’t do this” or “I need more tape” or the classic “I just wanna go home,” I was vary irritated with the kids at the end of the day. On the very first day this little girl was so frustrated and was just up set, she told me she didn’t wanna do this anymore and wanted to just go home, and she burst out crying. The little girl pressed her wet face into my apron that left a wet spot on it and my hands were sticky so I couldn’t hug her properly. I ended up just taking the girl outside to draw on the side walk to draw pictures and wait for her parents to come, because class was almost over there was no point in calling her parent they were probably on their way.
I realized these break downs were a daily occurrence, and every day it was a different kid, and it was over silly things like glitter and “that’s my chair, I want that one!” Kids were fragile creatures, but they were also full of energy, and they wore me out I went home and took a nap every day when I got home.

My Favorite Snapshot: Snapshot III
Snapshot Three: My First Job
Throughout my whole life, my chores were the only tasks that I would do to keep myself occupied with working instead of not doing anything at all. But that all changed during my last year in high school. It was then that I got a job at Kroger. When I first went to my Orientation, I was very nervous. It was like being pinned against a wall. It was only after my job training that the feeling went away and it was the beginning of my first job. My first and only job was as a courtesy clerk at Kroger.
The tasks for a Courtesy Clerk at Kroger is to bag the customers groceries, clear the parking lot of shopping carts, to check and sometimes clean the restrooms, and clean around the store in the early hours of the morning. Every time that I would clean the restrooms, it smelled like a petting zoo. For most of the time of the shifts, I would usually bag the customer’s groceries every time they came to check out. Sometimes during the day, I was often sent out to the parking lot to collect the shopping carts. There is a fire station just a few blocks from the store. Sometimes when I am collecting the carts, I could hear their vehicles passing by with their sirens on; they would sound like, “wooo, wooo”, as they passed by the store. Collecting the carts is not the favorite task to do at Kroger, especially if it is winter. It would be as cold and freezing as the Arctic Circle. The only task that was good if it was not really busy was bagging groceries. The only time that I would dread working at Kroger was during the weekend because it is the only busy part of the week.
My first job experience is composed of many pros and cons of working at Kroger. In recent months, I began to look for other jobs to replace that one I have at Kroger because I hope to have much less stress than that I used to have while working at Kroger. It is very stressful sometimes when I am working at Kroger, especially if I am working on the weekends. Fortunately when it comes to applying for another job, I hope it would be less stressful and have fewer tasks to do than what Kroger had expected me to do.
My Favorite Snapshot
Snap Shot Two : Our Good Day
A great time I had with my friend was when I went on a fishing trip during the summer. I went with a friend I knew for all of high school. His name is Luke Stewart and we both have so many things in common its creepy. Well anyways it was the second time I’ve ever been fishing, the first time being on a 6th grade field trip. The place where we went fishing was Alum Creek and it’s about a half hour or so away from where we live. The ride to the creek was fun because we would blast the stereo super loud listening to some great rap and some rock music as if we were at a crazy concert. We felt like a couple bad asses on the road and it felt awesome there was a cop outside his car. We had to wait for the cop to leave so that we can fish because we are too cheap to buy a fishing license.
Another friend, Trevor McCue finally arrived to the creek. So as we were putting all the poles and setting the chair at the right spot we were ready to fish. All we had to do was put the bait on the hook. We all looked at each other think “Ok so who has the bait”. We realized we forgot the bait. So after about 5 minutes of arguing with who was supposed to get the bait we drove to a mini store to buy bait. We also bought some Slim Jims and hot dogs to eat because those are the two best things to eat.
When we got back to our spot we got the bait on the hooks and started fishing. It was very nice and relaxing fishing with a couple of your best buds. And to make things better Luke brought some amazing cigars with him that we got to smoke while fishing. They were probably the cheapest kind of cigars ever but I wasn’t going to say anything to Luke mainly because he gave them to us for free. After about an hour passed of not getting any bites we decided to get into the water so that we can get closer to the middle of the creek, where most the fish are. We got in the water about waist deep and then started fishing again. Trevor, who’s supposed to be the smartest of us all of us thought maybe we should go further in the water. The water was coming at us fast so Luke and I stayed where we were. Trevor walked a little further then slipped and fell face first in the water. It was probably the funniest thing I have ever seen. It was exactly like something you would see on the Americas Funniest Videos show.