Thursday, September 29, 2011

Welcome to the Blog!

Hello students and hope you had an easy time getting here!   We will use this blog to share our experiences and ideas, and sometimes we will do some short homework or reading responses on the blog.

For today, let's all try to get on the blog, and you can write a New Post once you are signed in from your Gmail account.  You will see the link in the upper right hand corner.

Here's what I want you to write about:

1--  Share some introduction details about you!  Write some things that maybe we talked about in class introductions and interviews, or a new fun fact about you.  Introduce yourself so we can get to know each other.

2--  Pick your favorite quote from Chapter Two in Ordinary Resurrections.  Why did this passage strike you?  What is important about it?  Share your ideas.

Good luck!

Mike Lohre