Like how Reggie mentioned the flowers breathing, I also found that very appealing. It felt to me like they were gasping for air, which personifies nature, so that we tend to take the issue more seriously. I also liked the music that was used in the video, it was very serious anbd made me want to pay attention to the video. I also really liked that instead of having someone give oral information out, Lucas Oleniuk decided to have short, but meaningful captions on each image. This way it's not like a bunch of words going from one ear out the other and these stats stay engraved into people's minds.
I feel that pollution is a very prominent issue in our environment. Whenever my family and I go to India, we always take turns getting peunomonia and bronchitis. This just shows that there are too many of us and not enough space to contain. We should respect the space we have by keeping it as clean and pure as we can.
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